Friday, March 14, 2008

February in Photos

Clicking on the links will take you directly to the photo in flickr

1. abandoned - Feb 1, 2. hanging out - Feb 2, 3. new napkins, 4. the saone, 5. list, 6. my, what big whiskers you have!, 7. Spring came early, 8. windows, 9. wise old bird, 10. Wheeeeeee!, 11. iSew, 12. tabletop tartine, 13. purple feet, 14. red velvet, 15. tea and crumpets - what are crumpets anyway?, 16. stripey feet, 17. tea, 18. shopping, 19. planning my week, 20. promise of spring, 21. abandoned, 22. create, 23. portrait of the photographer as a silhouette, 24. tea in glass cup, 25. Weekly Crop, 26. snooze, 27. red bean wraps, 28. happy anniversary, 29. ear

1 comment:

Vivian Masket said...

Love seeing all the photos together like this - it's so cool!