Thursday, February 22, 2007


I realised today that apart from checking mail, taking out garbage and getting the cat in, that I haven't really left the apartment in a couple weeks. I think I really do hibernate during winter, the cold coupled with the greyness leaves me no desire to go out. Add to that all the fun I've been having creating lately, and you get someone who is happily holed up inside. But the last few days have been sunny and bright. Unseasonably "warm" too. I even spied a tree that burst into bloom in a neighbour's garden. If this continues I just might take a page out of Mozie's book and start rambling around our new neighbourhood. A potential trip further afield this weekend is in the works with Lucy. We are both feeling the need to explore somewhere new and take some photos to add to our portfolios. I really am beginning to get the feeling that Spring is around the corner and lots of new adventures are about to begin.


Nathalie Kalbach said...

Hopefully spring is around - I'm soo so done with winter!

L Vanel said...

Looking forward to this weekend, Francine. Are you SURE you want to go south instead of North into Burgundy or East into the hills where the local stone is all a golden color? (pretty buildings...)

sollie said...

I'm the same in winter. I love sitting in the warmth, creating some new pages for my scrapalbum, reading books, watching movies, ...
Enjoy the sunny days!! Take care Isolde