Tuesday, September 12, 2006

What is for you

can't un-for you. That is, what is meant to be yours will be yours. A close Jamaican friend of mine when I was at University used to tell us this all the time (she was older and wiser.) Usually when we were suffering from broken hearts. It just hit me that this applies so well to the path I am on right now: becoming a professional in this vast area of scrapbooking and paper crafts. There are so many opportunities out there, that the right ones for me will come along, just the way things like Diversity Designs, Self-Addressed and Dragonflaire did.

So now when something doesn't come through for me, I will try to remember this. Yes it may sting a bit at first, but what is for me, can't un-for me. I truly believe this.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Thank you so much. I talked about your post on my blog, and so did Mir at BlogHer:


Again, thank you!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Thank you so much. I talked about your post on my blog, and so did Mir at BlogHer:


Again, thank you!