Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Yesterday I read an article in the Mar/April 2006 issue of Somerset Studio all about Wabi-Sabi. According to Quinn McDonald, the author, wabi-sabi is a Japanese concept that embraces the beauty of things impermanent and incomplete.

The article was extremely enlightening and spoke about how one can live a wabi-sabi life, especially as an artist. The paragraph that stood out the most to me was this one:

Wabi-Sabi is the release of control. It avoids beating up the creative soul for not achieving perfection. Recognizing and embracing our imperfections allows room for growth. The only result of demanding perfection is certain failure. perfection is impossible, and while we live in a culture that loves people who are "passionate", we seldom feel passion for our daily lives, and it is impossible to give more than all. perfection is a cruel boss. It leads to giving up, depression and anger rather than eagerness for growth and improvement.
I think I might have to print this out and stick it up somewhere, for those days when I fall into the trap of perfectionism.

1 comment:

L Vanel said...

Perfectionism certainly is a trap for an artist, because at its extreme, it takes the intuitiveness out of the creative process and destroys it.