Thursday, November 02, 2006

Tea and toe socks

It's like someone flicked a switch. Suddenly on November 1st the temperature dropped to more seasonal levels. My signal to dig out the sweaters, and pair up the socks. To make sure that we have a good stock of teas and tisanes. I even got my crochet and knitting patterns out today. Maybe this year I'll actually make that afghan I've been meaning to. Tonight we'll turn on the heater, and I can't promise to last much longer without my electric blanket. But at least for now, the sun still shines.


Anonymous said...

I am with you on the sweaters and socks. It has gotten terribly cold here and our winter stuff is still packed up. Hopefully we don't freeze before we get in a house.

imagined-community said...

I took all my knitting stuff out last week! Yahoo! Fall means yarn, tea, and chocolate : ) jennifer

Anonymous said...

God my God.

Give me the heat everyday even if my face oozes enough oil to deep fat fry.