Sunday, September 17, 2006

Lazy Weekend

We spent another wonderfully lazy weekend in the country. Saturday morning Lucas went looking for mushrooms again. After my breakfast of croissant and hot chocolate, I went back to bed to enjoy an almost forgotten pleasure: reading. I deliberately didn't bring anything scrapbook related with me so that I could spend my time doing something I do way too little of these days, getting lost in a 1000 page novel. I should really do that more often.

After a lunch of steak and salad we headed off to Le Puy-en-Velay, a medieval town about 25 miles away, to spend the afternoon at le Festival du Roi de l'Oiseaux - The Bird King Festival. This is an annual Rennaissance Festival that dates back to medieval times.

What I really enjoyed about it, is that the public, not just the official participants, take part and wear costumes, so at times you really have the sense of being in a medieval town. Next year we're definitely going to get dressed up when we go. Here are some of the highlights.

Sunday was even lazier. With grey dreary weather I spent the majority of the day on the couch reading and digi scrapping until it was time to head back to Lyon. Ok, so I lied, I took my laptop with me so I did have some scrap related stuff. What can I say, I'm obsessed!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

awesome pictures!!!!